Part Three – Talk Given by Bobby Waid, Mayor of Fincastle

In this segment of our Video Interview, Bobby Waid lists off all the families who were members of St. Mark’s church…and tells of how everyone was expected to do something useful.  He was expected to become a member of the vestry as soon as he reached the age of eighteen.  One of his funniest stories concerns parishioner who took his son along on a trip to New York City, but left him there by mistake.  Another good story…is about a loud conversation between two parishioners who were hard of hearing.

About VA History Exchange

I moved to Asheville, NC last September and have found some wonderful new opportunities for teaching, researching, and learning. I'm training to be a tour guide at the Thomas Wolfe Memorial, teaching classes at a senior center (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute - at UNC-A) and developing a digital archive for Sweet Briar College, recirculating some of the excellent articles that have been published in alumnae magazines from decades ago. So much to do!
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