If you would like to submit archival documents and photographs, original writing (including creative non-fiction), and other unpublished materials to be considered for publication on this site please read the following. The editorial standards for this site will be based on the Standards of Professional Conduct published by the American Historical Association (2009), and thereby aim to adhere to the the core values and practices of the historical profession.
It is our intent to preserve and publish letters and family documents that have been collected over many generations. Once published (as scanned documents or transcriptions) they may be shared with a much wider public audience than would otherwise be possible at a traditional archive or some other traditional print publication. We do not intend to develop a traditional archive (with extensive storage space, shelving, and climate control). Instead, we intend to scan and transcribe the interesting and noteworthy documents and then leave the decision to the family about where the originals should be donated or stored.
All members of the History Exchange are encouraged to offer to help as editors by participating on an editorial committee. Other skills and expertise, concerning research, marketing, web management, writing, scanning, transcribing, and teaching (of classes and workshops) will also be most welcome!
Services offered (at reasonable,negotiable rates):
Research (18th-20th century social history)
Writing (family narratives, organizational histories
Teaching ( workshops, after-school programs, classes)
Virtual Publishing (scrapbooks, monographs, archives)
Ellen Apperson Brown, Owner
Community History Exchange
200 Jonestown Road
Asheville, NC 28804